Welcome on my website
I am Pim de Klerk and I am a trained palynologist with a geomorphological background. I am currently based in Karlsruhe (SW Germany) at the State Museum of Natural History, and I cooperate with the Greifswald Mire Centre, the Researchgroup Peatland studies and palaeoecology of the Greifswald University, the Institut für Dauerhaft Umweltgerechte Entwicklung von Naturräumen der Erde (DUENE e.V.), and the International Mire Conservation Group. Since I started working as a palynologist in 1992, I have participated in several projects with various research aims. These studies concentrated on vegetation history within the framework of landscape development, on the reconstruction of mire development, on the relation between actual vegetation and pollen deposition, and on the natural background of important archaeological finds. Geographically, my experience covers The Netherlands, NE France, SW Germany, NE Germany, NE Poland, Svalbard, W Georgia, W Siberia and NE Yakutia. On this website I want to present some of these researches.
If you want to contact me please mail me at pimdeklerk@email.de
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